Monday 25 June 2012

UP THERE CAZALY & SIMPLY THE BEST...I know all the words...

"Well you work to earn a living, but on weekends comes the can do what ever turns you on, get out and clear your mind...Me, I like football and there's a lot of things around...but when you line 'em up together...The footy wins hands down..." were just visually serenaded by 'A Women In League' the sound of an AFL song...but a song that sums me up to a 'T' and I can only blame my family for that one.

Canterbury played its first premiership match against North Sydney on Anzac Day, 25 April 1935 at North Sydney Oval. In a match refereed by Tom McMahon, Norths won by a margin of 20 points to 5.

The First try scorer that day was Jack Hartwell, Snr ...My Great, Great Uncle... Following suit was my pop Jim Gartner and his brother Clive - all members of the Blue and White Army.

Jimmy and his beautiful wife, Betty shifted to the Northern Beaches where their son and my ol' man came through the ranks with the Narrabeen Sharks before becoming a Silver tail, then a Rooster and then Finishing his career as a Tiger.

The kid did alright too - In 1977 Rusty was the League's top try-scorer and at the end of the season earned himself a Green & Gold Jersey for Australia in the 1977 World Cup. He won a Grand Final in 78', shared in the loss of 88 and was a non-playing reserve in 89.

My cousin Daniel also went on to become a silvertail and play for the Green & Gold

1978 - Grand Final Replay... after drawing with Cronulla, they were forced to play a re-match on the following Tuesday.

SO...It's 'Women in League Round' in the NRL...and tickle me PINK!!!! I am a lady (sometimes questionable) AND I work in League and have grown up well and truly immersed in it (aside from THAT 1 year which we shall discuss later.)
Now there have been many a beautiful montage delivered by the NRL...
*Cue piano and voice that sounds like Russell Crowe's younger brother...
...of the Mum's who have brushed the dirt of the boys knees, soaked the grass stained jerseys and mutli-skilled as a taxi driver between netball, ballet, Footy, practice?? Basically anything that the young tuckers wanted to be involved in really.
Than we fade into the ladies in the canteen - that even when you were 10c short, they would give you a wink and hand over the can of soft drink or throw in an extra tomato sauce with your meat pie or sausage roll.
(FYI: I make it sound like we were an unhealthy bunch with soft drink and meat pies...but we were from the childhood where we didn't come inside till the street lights came on...and we didn't communicate "@mum just playing back to base with the kids up the road #tagyoureit LOL" )

2 0 1 2  N R L  W O M E N  I N  L E A G U E

Each time this Round comes along, it makes me think of what my montage would look like...and although I would love to physically make it not too dissimilar to a Rocky comeback Montague...the words on the page will have to do. (Feel free to hum to the tune of 'Eye of the Tiger' while you read the below)
So there is a fairly rich League history as you have read...I unfortunately was too young to remember that stuff first hand - so thankfully there is now google, wikipedia, youtube and beer....and by beer I mean - the old man has a few...and I can learn allllllllll about the old days (clearly where I get my beer drinking from).
MY first hand memories include but are not limited to the following;
· Getting my head stuck in a chair at the Balmain Leagues Club.
Post game traditional dinner...where the kids run around screaming because we have already sat through the morning of not being able to speak to Dad because he was getting game ready, sitting in the car and listening to his motivational tapes including eye of the Tiger, Eagle Rock and Up There Cazaly (a song about an AFL player but Dad was all over it like a fat kid on cake ((See below)). Then sitting through a good couple of hours in the grand stands - mixed in with grabbing the cardboard box and sliding down the hills of Leichardt Oval...THEN heading to the Leagues Club.

U P   T H E R E  C A Z A L Y

S I M P L Y  T H E  B E S T

You can imagine by now...a kid like me was looking for things to... let's say 'TEST' my abilities' in this instance I found a chair...and stuck my head through the gaps in the back of could say I became quite panicked when it didn't come took about 5 players to get me out of it...only because all them including the mums were A) quite pissed at this stage and B) they found it hilarious! (...I got out for those of you playing along at home!)

· Being so scared of the Balmain Tiger Mascot I use to make the bloke take it off before walked past him. . . nuff said.

· Running around the training paddock with the likes of Matthew Ridge, Jack Elsegood, Ian Roberts and all the rest of the blokes my old man sprint coached for a while.

· Being FILTHY at the olds when the Super League even affected me because I wasn't allowed to Dance in the half time entertainment with my mates because 'it wouldn't look good due to my Manly allegiance.'

· Sitting in roll call at Little Athletics and when they came to my name the poor bloke simply asked me if I was any relation to Russel? I shot him down like I was standing at 12 paces and I'd turn to draw.... That day I decided I hated Rugby League and boycotted the game for an entire year because i didn't want to be known as Russel Gartner's daughter...oh the shhaaammmmmmeee!

But I came back to the game...and embraced the rich heritage my Dad and his family had built and two years ago, I got my first break on the sidelines of the Rugby League Fields with Fox Sports.

Last year I even sat on a lush red lounge as a panel host with 'The League Lounge' and allegedly 'only offered up opinion when I was spoken too and should have been replaced by someone else who was immersed in League'...ummm yeaup... nuff said...But I had a ball and worked & met some great people during that year.

And now...I am just finishing up my role with the Gold Coast Titans where I have been kicking around the offices for the past 6 years before becoming a full time tenant as their Media Coordinator over the last year and a bit.

THIS is where I have met some other crazy cats - much like myself...that are immersed in their love for the game...and they are LADDDDIIIEEEESSSSS!! (again...questionable at times)

I will introduce you to a special few that I'm banking on you loving...Social Media Ladies at that... Prepare yourself for another blog in the coming days that will immerse YOU into what THAT job entails...that shit CREAGH (yeup...Leaguing up some Kayne for ya...coz I'm so gangsta)

BUT....for all those that question where the MY passion for League comes from and why I am one of those 'Women in League' all came from being scared of a mascot, having my head stuck in a chair...cardboard boxes on the hills of Leichardt...working on the sidelines and so much more I could write for years....

"Now there's a lot more things to football, that really meets the eye...there are days when you could give it up...there are days when you could fly...You either love or hate it, depending on the score but when your team run out or they kick a's the mighty roar..."

Warm ReGarts,


  1. Great entry RG....
    Great to read a totally different angle with regards to how one is a 'Woman in League'. You were born into League to some extent & without sounding too old, remember RG Snr very well as between us two (and whoever else reads this), was a Tigers fan in my early years. Think WIL this year has been received with mixed responses from certain factions. Believe majority have taken it from face value, from the way it's been promoted from the NRL & also from the way it's been marketed from individual clubs etc. Then there's a social-media side where people have avenues like Facebook & Twitter to voice their support or lack of towards the concept.
    "The Harvey Norman Women in League Round is a celebration of the role women play in Rugby League and also a chance for the game to say thank you to the many women who help build the foundations of the sport." From the women in ARLC, board members, support staff at the grounds, in the offices, media, social-media, in the canteens, refs, touchies, mothers, sisters, daughters, fans who are all involved let alone have a genuine love for the game, the round is dedicated to you women.... It is not categorized nor aimed at a certain group of women, it's for ALL Women in League. All women should embrace the concept instead of picking it apart on why they are against or dislike it.
    In saying that, appreciative of sharing your story. Despite the family name, you've taken no shortcuts to get to where you are today and your genuine love for the game is something you should be proud of. As I mentioned to you not long ago, you've been successful in engaging & interacting with the followers & fans of your team and the game of Rugby League. Hope you are totally not lost to this wonderful game & wish you all the best with your future endeavours.
    p.s. I'm sure RG Snr is sick of being asked 'Are You Renee's Father?' hahaha.... Cheers KAGE

    1. haha Kage what an awesome comment!! I didn't think anyone read this blog anymore! Really need to pull my finger out and get back into the world of blogging!!

      Looking forward to another great year of League...and the wealth of other sports along the way!


