Tuesday 12 June 2012

B L O O D Y M A R Y's . . . T-Rex moments & a Handful of crutch

MMMM nothing like a Bloody Mary to knock the socks off you in the morning...except... there is no celery stick with the leafy bit no-one eats... it's missing the fiery bite of Tabasco sauce...and SHUT.THE.FRONT.DOOR!!! I care NOT for the lack of vodka here people...

That's right, because I am detoxing thanks to a couple of months with a bunged up jersey-flegg...and this-my friends, is a 'Proud Mary' (put your hand up if you didn't just start singing THAT song in your head .... those with your hand up - it's time to hit the sheds and come back when you are ready to sing THIS: )

OK...no where were we?? That's right NO VODKA.

I don't know if you have cast your eye over my previous blogs... they should be dated over 4 months ago when I decided to become a 'charitable boxer' and by that I mean...offer myself as a human punching bag for a good cause!....In that time I also agreed to RUN for a good cause NEKMINNIT I'm the prime target for an imaginary sniper who took aim at my poor hammie...poor kid didn't stand a chance.

SO.... I recovered slowly and endured many a 'I'm not angry, I'm just dissapointed' head shakes from the coach...and I was back on track POW POW!!!

2 sessions a day - a nutrition plan for a fully fledged athlete, an attitude to kill annndddddd then it was Easter...

NOW...I believe in a philosophy 'Work Hard. Train Hard. Play Hard'  the life balance sorta thing... HOWEVER... this did not mean...'go and have some bevvies with your mates over the Easter long Weekend...then get on a skateboard and shatter your ankle'... again i say-  HOW-EVER.....well pictures tell a thousand words so...

This my friends is a fine example of what I immediately thought was a calf tear... Lucky I didn't pursue that career in physio I had picked out for myself during my years of education...

2 segmented Spiral Fractures.... A clean break (which apparently if I had so much had sneezed, may have come straight through the skin) ...oh and I dislocated it!!

Calf tear...spiral fractures...same same yeah?!

'Work Hard. Train Hard. Play Hard' yeup... I AM AN IDIOT!

So... 2 months down the track, 1 plate and 5 screws, 9 weeks on crutches and a moon boot - I've got hands like a tradey... the physique of a 12 year old stamp collector who has an admiration for the 'finer foods' and a right leg I now refer to as my Ethiopian sponsor child  because she certainly hasn't had the privileges that the left leg has been granted.

Over the last few months I have had times I felt like this T-REX...



THIS....was a T-REX moment...

BUT... the cast came in handy when presented with the new TV show 'The Voice' .... Hide the singer...if I like them...move the cast!

The Skate board...I also opted not to burn... I used it to deliver food as I was unable to carry meals to my lounge: (Please refer to my T-Rex moment)

I also didn't have to get up to turn lights off...

Sooooo...all in all...I've gained some positives from the experience...and a few extra KG's.... just not for my sponsor child...

SO...here I am...DETOXING! Because I clearly haven't been able to dodge sniper bullets on the Treadmill...Haven't set the world a light with moves to make Tony Hawk Blush annnndddd I have clearly thrown out more puns using the word 'crutch' than you could get a hand on (Yeup...see...I went there...).

So Join me... on the blogging adventures of poor writing...awful puns...sipping on 'Proud Mary's' and saying no to sugar.

BUT we all know I'll get back on the skateboard 'horse'  armed with a stick of celery - Tabasco and Grey Goose...and heaven forbid there is a keyboard standing by!

Warm ReGarts till next time,


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