Tuesday 12 June 2012

D A Y o n e (pre)

D A Y o n e (pre)
40 hr famine [T I C K ]
MS read-a-thon [T I C K ]
Fun Runs [T I C K ]
Outrigging [ T I C K ]
Boxing [… T B C ]

My name is Renee Gartner and I currently work full time with the local National Rugby League team, the Gold Coast Titans, I have also spent some time on the sidelines with Fox Sports and Last year sat on the couch with some top blokes and they referred to it as ‘The League Lounge’.
During my time within the media i have been lucky enough to be involved in some fantastic opportunities and I hope to share some of them with you along the way…but TODAY…well TODAY marks the first day of a charitable commitment I have made…to step inside a boxing ring and throw some hay makers.

All the name of charity right??…yeup…these are the words I will continue to repeat to myself whilst having my backside whipped into shape with Coach Dan (My strength & conditioning coach) and by Johnny & Jamie at the Corporate fightclub.

READ MORE HERE: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/david-gallop-signs-new-four-year-contract/story-e6freye0-1226250303981

We’ve all had a stab at read-a-thons, 40hr famines-which I admit…I may have cheated on-but not the point right now - NOW I’m older and wiser and stuff (try not to dwell on the older part) so in this coming of age I have decided to tackle some more physical stuff!

Late last year I stepped into a outrigger and paddled around Sydney Harbour for 3hrs all in the aid of rebuilding the damage from the Tsunami that ravaged Samoa a few years back ( http://www.groundswellbuilds.org.au/ MORE ON THAT LATER) and NOW…imma gonna get my PowPow on…that’s boxing to anyone playing along at home!

So THIS is day one…with the target being either late May or Early June, I will keep you updated with the blood, sweat and tears…and like I said…all in the name of Charity ( 4ASDKids & The Black Dog Institute).

Anywhhoooooo…..don’t expect this blog to be a well written novel displaying profound intellect…like I said in my bio ‘I’m a little left field’ so get your green hat - YOU’RE COMIN WITH! (P.S…I quote movies ALOT….)

Warm Regarts,


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